Things To Teach In Disability Strengthening Videos

By Matthew Meyer

Every human being deserves fair treatment. The rights of different members of the society must be upheld, and any attempt to violate them must be treated with instant punishment. Some lessons for disability strengthening videos are discussed below and their emphasis nailed down.

The first lesson thing in the list is about the language. Communications should be an uplifting and deliberate choice of words made to avoid any negative utterances that may demean their personality and lower their esteem. The main thing is to raise their ego, make them feel important, wanted and part of the larger society. Any form of vulgar language to be highly responded to with scolding and strong warning.

Respect for the type of tools and devices used by the concerned parties to assist them to move around or perform specific tasks be treated with due respect. Not playing with them, moving them everywhere and putting them into unnecessary use against the will of the owner. This may offend them a lot and cause a lot of psychological disturbances as well as physical problems. This should be well taught in these videos.

Time allocation for various activities concerning the subjects in the discussion must be well extended. They should not be harassed and rushed along to perform some particular tasks. They need an ample time, and a degree of tolerance is to be accentuated. There have to show patience with their way of doing things and encouragement to make them improve not killing their morale.

Another thing to capture will be the need to develop an understanding of the abilities of these people. They could have developed new mechanisms for doing various things for themselves and therefore have to be allowed to do them on their own. It is until they ask for help or it is necessary to intervene. The whole thing must be done politely and with the due respect.

Teach that making assumptions is wrong and therefore learning to be employed instead. One should not judge out of looks but must give time to learn as discover the person well. Some disabilities are not explicit and premature conclusions may lead to unfair treatment and consequently violations of human fundamental freedoms and rights.

A lesson on how to interact with them when in doubt is made available. It is normal to get confused what they are up to and want at a particular given time. This needs understanding and direct requests for responses from them. They will be happy communicating their wishes than you deciding for them. Failure to observe these may create unfriendly interactions and can even lead to violations of their rights.

Strong emphasis will be on their rights and wishes. These people have their rights which should be upheld in all sectors touched, and any special treatment defined for them at particular places and situations must be well covered in your tutorials. Comprehensive cover of rights and freedoms will serve better.

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