Managing Diabetes By Meeting With A Weight Loss Surgeon Bergen County Provides

By John Nelson

Diabetes, a long-term disease that has no known cure, comes with so many serious health complications. This is why effectively controlling it is a definite must, say doctors. For overweight or obese individuals, however, managing the said incurable disease can be very difficult. Sometimes obtaining the help of a weight loss surgeon Bergen County offers is a solution that needs to be carried out for complication prevention.

Keeping one's blood glucose levels within the normal range is the primary objective of any effective diabetes management plan. It's for the fact that having elevated blood glucose is the reason why there are all kinds of complications that may come into being. Some very common examples include peripheral nerve damage, impaired circulation to the legs and hypertension.

A person who is regarded as overweight or obese may have a challenging time maintaining normal blood sugar levels. According to doctors, unnecessary fatty tissue in the body has the ability to cause insulin resistance, a condition marked by the inability of the cells to use sugar as fuel. Such causes sugar molecules to accumulate in the blood, and this is something that can give rise to or considerably worsen diabetes.

Weighing more than necessary is also linked to problems that could easily give rise to diabetes. For instance, it is very much possible for an obese or overweight person to wind up suffering from sleep apnea. There are so many secondary problems that this particular sleep disorder is known to bring, and one of those is diabetes.

Carrying a lot of excess pounds can also keep the individual who's battling diabetes from getting his or her regular dose of exercise. It is a good idea for someone who is diagnosed with the incurable disease to have an active lifestyle. It's for the fact that it allows unnecessary sugar present in the person's bloodstream to be used as energy.

Having an active everyday life is also an excellent defense against some of the most serious problems linked to the presence of diabetes. Everyone knows, for example, that regular exercise is vital for keeping the blood pressure and blood cholesterol, too, within what's regarded as the normal range. An individual known to have diabetes is at high risk of ending up with hypertension and increased bad cholesterol levels. This is why a lot of people who are battling diabetes are also suffering from deadly heart disease.

Not all people who are obese or overweight are suffering from diabetes. However, health experts confirm that all of them are actually considered as at high risk of winding up with the lifelong disease. As a matter of fact, statistics say that someone who's weighing more than he or she should is about 80 times more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes compared to an individual whose weight is considered as ideal.

There are instances in which undergoing weight loss surgery is a step that has to be taken. This is most especially true for people whose lives are in grave danger because of diabetes. By encouraging rapid elimination of excess pounds, serious health complications can be kept from coming into being.

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